The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and will tell you whether you are qualified to be smart. The questions are NOT that difficult. But it will tell you how you think. I shall give you the next question when there are 10 responses or until you have answered the 1st question!
1 How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?
1 How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?
2-3 step
open the refrigerator
put a giraffe into the refrigerator
close the refrigerator if you有手尾
Bravo! You two are the stars of the day!
That's right! This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way. Obviously you are not!
Now here is the second question.
2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?
4-Close the door plx~
How amazing! If you have not done this test before, you are super smart!
Anyway, this question tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions.
Now here comes the third question.
3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend.... except one. Which animal does not attend?
Lion King's 情婦 ?
Keep on trying ;)
good guess. why Bunny? More please?
Good try... and interesting to see everyone has got a reason for their answers. Not bad... carry on, I need 5 more people to tell me what they think or until someone get the answer before I move on to the fourth question.
coz he is still in the refrigerator
Bingo! This tests your memory cause you just put it in the fridge.
OK, here the last question to show your ability, see who is the first one to get it right!
4. There is a river you must cross but it is used by crocodiles, and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it?
cross the river when crocodiles go to the animal conference
Yes! You just jump into the river and swim across. Because all the crocodiles are attending the animal conference. Well done!
This question tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.
To answer all these questions right, you need to think like a 4 years old child - think simply. You don't need to think too much and analysis is unnecessary. so have you got the insight for your NFP?
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