Thursday 5 March 2009

Ad-Rule No.6 - The rule of Love

We all need love. We all need someone to love and we all need to be loved by someone. "All you need is love!" Can anyone argue with that title by the Beatles?

When you start your project, and almost every time when you start your project, first thing you do is to go find something, some ideas, some information, some data. Well, that's what we call research and since it is specified in your brief as one of the assessment criteria, so there you go. Go to the Internet, library, set up some questions, go to interview, talk to your friends... then you try to turn your findings into something useful, cause you know you have to back up your proposals, ideas, strategies or whatever with facts, and you need to rationalise your act with what you have got in your hand.
So you have got yourself loads of information, if you are lucky, feedback from your online questionnaires, photocopies of materials borrowed from library, printouts of web pages that you have visited, notes from your client interview, etc, etc. But how many times have you encountered a going no-where and still you think that the research is more or less "useless". Do you know why? Because they are lacking of a connection.
That means unless you can "connect" the materials on hand, they are not going to work for you. And the strongest connection you can have to make it work is by an emotional connection called - LOVE!

The Rule of Love tells us that in order to survive after all we have succeeded in the past century from selling products to trademarks to brands, brands have to build close relationships with their consumers. To achieve this, we should turn from the rational side of analysis using reports and statistics, to the emotional side of building connection with our consumers with love - the strongest emotional connection of all.

Here are 7 insights by Kelvin Roberts showing how Love can be used to create the emotional connection.

1. Love creates Lovemarks
Think of a super brand that you love and simply that's a Lovemark! What's on your head? Apple? Brands that are placed at your heart are Lovemarks. They will create loyalty beyond reason. How did they do this? They put emotions into their brands and connect you with them.

2. Love inspire people
Sooner or later you will be working in an organization with people, and as you have experienced in your group work, you are required to work with people, only this time you cannot choose your teammates. How to ensure that you and your teammates work together and inspire each other, again, requires the emotional connection. Because great ideas can only come from people who are inspired with passion and emotion.

3. Love brings back emotion
You have to understand that emotion and reason are intertwined with each other. And when they are in conflict, emotion usually wins. How many times you have decided to come late to school because you just don't like the idea of being early - although your reason tells you to be punctual. Emotion controls our rationality and guides our decision-making.

4. The Love/Respect Axis
Today it's not enough just to earn Respect in order to stay in the market, brands must invest in Love.

5. Love draws on Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy
Our lives are filled with mystery, sensuality and intimacy and so are successful brands. E.g. Starbucks.
New emotion and ideas can be generated by focusing on mystery, sensuality and intimacy.

6. Love connects with consumers
It's simple as this! Care for your consumers and connect them with emotion created by Love.

7. Love revitalize market research
Remember as I always said in the tutorials, do not do research for research's sake.  Research needs to help us discover what we don't know, and to inspire us to go further. Draw insights with the emotion connected in your research.



briankong said...

I cannot disagree "the rule of love"
劉華都會講"今時今日的服務態度, 點得?"
老土D講"賓至如歸" , 咪就係睇你點樣用love去幫個brand做promotion/how to sell the brand?令人有賓至如歸感覺。
賓至如歸點黎 ? depend on love

i think that we can say....
how to transfer love to emotional sell .

mike said...

I don't understand "New emotion and ideas can be generated by focusing on mystery, sensuality and intimacy."

What is the meaning of sensuality there?

Thomas Kan said...

Thank you both.
Well, sensuality refers to our senses, our 5 senses. It is how we experience the world. Sensuality is the gateway to emotion.

Wingo said...

i think it's memories. Memories can be happy, sad, exciting..etc. I read a book which is talking about psycho. It suggested that the most effective way to stimulate others emotion is telling them a story.

DIE said...

"I cannot disagree..." 雙重否定句,good job brian.
關於每日朝早起身,策劃遲到個個例子實在用得太妙了 = = 妙到毫癲! 我完全明白emotion既威力。


Terence said...

I think that Sponorship and Crossover can send part of lover of customer to other Brand. Such as sponsor of Olympic, and fasion brand, so that can increase opportunity of business.

Flora said...

I think too many competitors in the same market may be a factor of "selling emotion instead of selling function of products".