Monday 30 November 2009


「DETOUR」由非牟利組織「香港設計大使」主辦,自2006 年開始作為「設計營商周」(Business of Design Week)同期舉行的外展活動。DETOUR的形式不拘一格,結合了香港最新穎最精彩的活動,以及來自世界各地的創意思想在此自由交流。今年大會計劃以中環前荷李活道已婚警察宿舍(中央書院遺址)作為核心活動場地,並安排了逾40個精采活動在全港多處舉行,推動各界就創作進行深入對話,刺激創意思維。

日期:2009 年11 月26 日至12 月9 日 

Get the most out of it!

Sunday 29 November 2009




主題 : 新青年:中國內地六所設計學院學生作品展  
(Opening ceremony Dec 2, Wednesday at 7 pm)
日期 : 2009 年12 月3 日至1 月10 日 
時間 : 每日早上10時至下午7時 
地點 : 香港九龍塘達之路七十二號創新中心 (近九龍塘港鐵站) 


The Beer Ad (Thailand)

I don't confirm the film has been posted or not.
Whatever,it is one of my favourite Ad.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Antoine+ Manuel Graphics Village

"All creations start with drawing... and design with typography... we don't give meanings to our designs... they come afterwards... " (Manuel +Antonie)

We went to the opening + exhibition + forum of the famous French graphic duo yesterday I must say this was a very stimulating experience.   Have a look at the photo album on Facebook and you will see how playful, intuitive, imaginative and humanistic they are.  This is a MUST GO for everyone during the BODW. 

Friday 27 November 2009

One Laptop Per Child: XO Is For Hope (2009)

BODW 2009

BODW is coming!
Next week (30/11 - 5/12) all classes will be cancelled to facilitate all students of the advertising course team (61394, 61382A and 61338) to attend a range of programmes and activities.  
This is an eye-opening opportunity to experience and learn from the design world.

We have requested student tickets for final year students for some of the forums, please check with your class tutors for the status.  If you are first year students, please attend the free seminars and workshops, check out the details below and make registration by yourself.  Of course, you must join the Detour, A+M Exhibition, DesignEx'09 and the other exhibitions as well.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Antoine+ Manuel Graphics Village

I have arranged 61382A/1A students to attend the opening ceremony and forum of Antoine+ Manuel Graphics Village on tomorrow, Friday (Nov 27) at 2:00pm at Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Shatin.

Any other students who would like to join us, please meet me at 2 pm at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Sha Tin.
Here's the itinerary:
1:30 - 2:00      Registration
2:00 - 2:3        Opening
2:30 - 3:00      VIP tour
3:00 - 4:00      Meeting with A+M (Participant can access to other exhibition hall)
4:00 - 5:00      Public Forum by A+M
5:00                 Program End

About A+M
Famous French graphic designers, Antoine and Manuel combine their personal visual expressions in a world in which dreams, the bizarre and Surrealism rub shoulders. Their work embraces sensation, emotion, touch and decorativeness, rejecting the rigorism and functionalism prevalent for so long in graphic design.



精彩默劇- 手指腳

鞋是娃用的, 襪是紙巾, 球也是紙巾

Wednesday 25 November 2009

McDonalds to go green

With the crunch climate change summit in Copenhagen fast approaching, even McDonalds has decided to go green at least with its logo, a senior executive said on Monday.

At German branches of the US fast-food chain, the famous golden arches will be emblazoned on a green background, rather than its usual red, McDonalds Germany vice-president Holger Beeck said. The change will be made on all new and refitted restaurants "out of respect for the environment," Beeck told the Financial Times Deutschland.

The instantly recognisable logo is the world's sixth most valuable brand, according to a 2009 report by Interbrand consultancy, behind only Coca-cola, IBM, Microsoft, General Electric and Nokia. A study earlier this month showed that McDonalds was the most popular brand for Germans between the ages of 12 and 18.

The December 7-18 Copenhagen talks are aimed at agreeing an international pact to cut carbon emissions and providing money to poorer nations to transfer green technology and help them cope with the ravages of climate change.

McDonalds has in the past come under fire from environmental groups on several fronts, including its use of packaging and deforestation. However, environmental campaigners Greenpeace have also praised the company for efforts to be more environmentally friendly, including introducing refrigerators without harmful chlorofluorocarbons.
(Hindusta Times)

The 'Hit the Bitch' controversy

Read more from The Week

Hit The Bitch

A Danish public-service campaign is facing widespread criticism for attempting to raise awareness of domestic violence with an online video game called "Hit the Bitch." The deliberately provocative game lets players "beat" an image of woman by manipulating their mouses, earning extra points for "hitting" her extra-aggressively. It doesn't take an advertising genius to know that when you leave everybody confused you have totally...failed. But this ad has at least got people talking about the rather taboo subject of domestic violence. What do you think?

Tuesday 24 November 2009


「在現實世界的pitch,動聽的presentation非常重要。這次同學的習作不能用PowerPoint和任何道具,每一隊只能用一張A1 poster向天星小輪獻計,所以verbal presentation技巧和內容的編排最為重要。

Presentation 首要具說服力和吸引力。說服力在於presentation的內容言之有物、整體結構的連貫性、市場分析的獨特性、策略的創造力、演說者的演說技巧等;而吸引力是具創意的表達,不能單靠嘩眾取寵;真正吸引的演說能成功做到engage audience和stimulate interest兩方面。聽同學做presentations是一個長跑活動。有說服力和吸引力的presentations固然必要,但最後還是誠意、誠意和誠意。出色的東西不是單用眼看和用耳聽的,好的東西更是可以感覺到的。」


我們的眼睛/腦袋其實就像一張a4 paper,放置的東西很有限,

Friday 20 November 2009

Will email be defunct in 10 years?

Will email be defunct in 10 years?

Space Chair Project

One of the most talked about and highly-anticipated adverts of the year breaks on UK TV tonight (November 16, 2009).
"Our aim was to create a new advertising campaign that would bring to life Toshiba's brand philosophy of leading innovation,” said Marketing Director at Toshiba UK. Matt McDowell.

“We chose to send a chair on the journey as it is central to the user's experience of Toshiba's products; whether they are watching TV or using a laptop."

Read more at UTalkMarketing

標誌香港 - 一個關於攝影、插畫、文字的創作研究

標誌香港將帶領60 個年青人利用攝影、插畫和文字的方式作研究紀錄,去尋找和創造一個象徵香港的標誌。城市的地標、移動中的行人,以至街角的景物都能浮現出一個地方的文化氣息。所謂標誌,可以是一件物件,更可以是一瞬間的影像。標誌香港希望通過不同媒介,讓年青人尋找另一個角度,細看我們生活的城市,捕捉周邊的景物,建構香港標誌。

1. 參與者必須為 16 – 25 歲的年青人。2. 活動詳情及報名表可於 下載。
有興趣參與的,請將報名表填妥後傳真至 2766 0189 或以郵寄方式遞交。
截止報名日期:2009 年11 月25 日

61394 Hit the Road 11

61394 Hit the Road 10

61394 Hit the Road 09

61394 Hit the Road 08

61394 hit the Road 07

61394 Hit the Road 06

61394 Hit the Road 05

61394 Hit the Road 04

394 Hit the Road 03

394 Hit the Road 02

394 Hit the Road 01

Here come the videos of the dropping test of the creative thinking task for 61394/1B - Experimental packaging for an egg to land safely on the ground after a free fall from the 4th floor. You'll be surprise to know the one that works!

Thursday 19 November 2009

61394 HitTheRoad @20091119

"Hit the Road!"
Creative thinking task for 61394/1B - Packaging design for an egg to land safely on the ground after a free fall from the 4th floor.


Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie

The PEN Story





Wednesday 18 November 2009





Plans for Apple's iPods and iPhones to carry advertising

Apple could soon force users of its products including iPods and iPhones to listen to compulsory advertising.
A patent application filed in the United States suggests that the leading technology firm is considering introducing commercials in order to sell its products at a discounted price. Described in the application as "enforcement routine" software, it is believed the technology would force users to watch or listen to small adverts which they would be unable to skip past. The technology could also require users to answer questions about the adverts in order to ensure they have listened to and fully understood them.  (Martin Evans)

Evian’s Rollerbabies becomes most watched online video ad of all time

Evian’s Rollerbabies is most watched online ad of all time

Tuesday 17 November 2009

[繪圖網站]Odo Sketch

Storyboarding Freeware

Celtx is a freeware for integrated media pre-production management, simpler to work with, easier to share.
Good for you esp. in Storyboarding & Workflow management

Check it out

極品廣告片 28/11—19/12/2009

Fabian and Eddie will attend to "ART of Commercials" on 28 Nov (sat) at 7:30pm for its "Prog 1" with advertising students. Come to join us if anyone feel interest to the show!

Please refer to the following link for the programme information.

極品廣告片 28/11—19/12/2009

There is another "映後座談會 After-screening discussion" recommendation
4 Dec (Fri)
Agnes b. Cinema (upper basesment, hong kong arts centre, 2 harbour Road, Wan Chai, HK)
Conducted in cantonese, free admission for limed seats.

Monday 16 November 2009

Sunday 15 November 2009



Nature of Book @ 国家大剧院

書境 Nature of Book 
This is the exhibition held during the Icograda World Design Congress at The National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) (国家大剧院).  Showcasing the beauty of books designed in China from 2003 - 2008.

Open Days 2009

See it on Facebook

Beijing 798 Space - Part 3

Friday 13 November 2009

The internet is killing storytelling | Ben Macintyre - Times Online

The internet is killing storytelling | Ben Macintyre - Times Online

The internet, while it communicates so much information so very effectively, does not really “do” narrative. The blog is a soap box, not a story. Facebook is a place for tell-tales perhaps, but not for telling tales. The long-form narrative still does sit easily on the screen, although the e-reader is slowly edging into the mainstream. 

Nokia in 2015 - The Way We Live Next

Nokia takes a look into its crystal ball. If you've ever wondered what life will be like five years from now, take a look at our short video which shines a light on how we think mobile devices and services will evolve.

Thursday 12 November 2009

The Office of Eden


10 great branded iPhone apps

Here are some great examples of mobile marketing, which reflect what the brand is about and extend the marketing experience onto the popular mobile device.

Viagra is 10

See how the unique product feature is subtly and cleverly shown with this low cost production filmed in reverse. Good example of A.I.R.

Mobile considerations for your campaign

2ergo’s Group MD, Chris Brassington, shares his tips and vision for how mobile technology can be best applied, the global growth opportunities, the future of mobile marketing along with best practice examples of mobile being used by major brands here.
Read the full story.

Dove Onslaught(er)

Compare this one with the previous one (Dove).

Beauty Pressure

For reference.

Eichborn Fliegenbanner auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse.

This is very unusual and creative.

VIDEOGIOCO by Donato Sansone

This is cool, enjoy!

VIDEOGIOCO by Donato Sansone from Enrico Ascoli - Sound Design on Vimeo.


One of our students, Harris Lee has been selected for the

I'll calling for all students to vote for him at the following link:

Here are Harris' words:

為"模"作出新定義!一人一票選出具熱誠、同理心、創意,擅於與人合作,有大都會視野,Make a Difference的MaD 模!所有投票者均可參加抽獎,得獎者可獲前往昆明的二人三日兩晚套票。(套票由國泰假期有限公司送出。)

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Sunday 8 November 2009

Beijing 798 Space - Part 2

HK4As Kam Fan Student Award 2009

Never mind ChongK, you've already made an impact .  You are all stars! I'm impressed by all of you (staff and students) who have participated in this event.  Cheers to 61382A.  :)
More photos on Facebook.



Human Mirror in New York

Saturday 7 November 2009

Hot from the press! HK4As Student Award 2009

Good news to share with everyone!

We have taken the Bronze and two Merit awards in the HK4As Kam Fan Student Award 2009 tonight. 

Bronze Award
Lee Tsz King, Cynthia and Angus (61382A)

Merit Award
ChongK, Chan Fung Ling and Dear (61382A)

Merit Award
Tang Wai Yee and Yeung Wing Ting (61338)

Cheers to the students and the course team.  Well done!

I'll post more photos on my facebook later.

Friday 6 November 2009

Beijing 798 space 01


Thursday 5 November 2009


More on Facebook

Xinjian Fashion show at Beijing 798

Rock concert rehearsal in Beijing 798

This one was cool!
The rehearsal was magnificent, they were going to have a rock party at night.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

A pub in Beijing

Just walk by this pub in Beijing and the music is beautiful. Music is definitely an universal language.

Sunday 1 November 2009

World's best marriage proposal, ever.

It is real and marriage proposal. So touching =]