Monday 16 November 2009


1 comment:

Thomas Kan said...

Thank you 頭巾, "放棄了自己的生命 等於是將自己的生命交給他人任意擺佈???" I doubt, I do not agree with it and I'd like to challenge this viewpoint. Of course, we don't encourage suicide, cause life is precious and one should respect and take good care of one's life to live it meaningfully. But isn't it disgusting to manipulate one's life in the name of pragmatism (實用主義)? (As projected in the video the sort of you are legally dead so your life saved by us could be reused in any way we like?) Isn't it horrible if life is reduced to merely a piece of meat in the name of recycling? What's the implication of freedom will here?
However, in terms of creative thinking, it would be a different story.