Thank you 頭巾. I wish everyone could be as proactive as you, so eager to learn and curious about what's going on around us, that's a good sign of creative people ;)
Humble is good but don't underestimate your potential. If we know our limitation and find ways to improve it, we will get close to our dreams. Opportunity is for those who are always prepared. :)
Thank you 頭巾. I wish everyone could be as proactive as you, so eager to learn and curious about what's going on around us, that's a good sign of creative people ;)
放心啦~1b的學生們,佢地都好鍾意post有創意既野,只是他們比較喜歡放在facebook~往後我會大力咁推d 人係依度post多d野!=]
Humble is good but don't underestimate your potential. If we know our limitation and find ways to improve it, we will get close to our dreams. Opportunity is for those who are always prepared. :)
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