Wednesday 4 March 2009

Ad-Rule No.5 - The rule of Emotion

Today when we talked about using the binary brief (1. WHAT? 2. WHO? and 3. HOW?) to help us setting the advertising strategy, we mentioned about ESP and we haven't spent much time discussing it.  I suggested to put it aside temporarily when we chose between using USP or Brand advertising as an approach, in order not to mix up with the latter.  I want to add that while USP relies on facts and reasons, ESP is emotional, intuitive and subconscious; USP sells the product itself and ESP sells the idea of the brand.  So it is useful to think of an ESP when brand advertising is chosen in the "HOW" section.

The rule of Emotion tells us that if an ad triggers an emotional response, it will then grab the T.A. by their hearts and leave them with good feeling about the product or service.

又冇意見? (TK 6/3/09)


briankong said...

我覺得ESP , 通常係 防止自殺/器官捐贈/醉酒鴐駛/防止虐畜...ETC見得多。

好果用係levis 呢個Brand 到我覺得個ad用得一般 , 起碼第二次再睇呢個AD 我已經冇咩特別。第一次睇落 , 個IDEA OK易明。

FINAL PROJECT 紅十字組 , 我覺得可以玩下EPS 。

DIE said...

