Monday 23 March 2009


Yes, today I talked about AIR in my tutorials!

Now that you have presented your work and got some fedback from the other tutors. The key thing is to utilize some of the feedback and refine your strategies and creative thinking so that you can move on to the next stage. It is not far from the second presentation where you will be asked to show your big ideas and layouts after the Easter holidays. (15/4 - 17/4)

I have started from the letter R.
R is for Response which your target audience will give after viewing your ads. So just think about what response will you expect from them is easier to get start and to test the effectiveness of your ads afterwards.
Try to use an everyday language to describe those responses. e.g. 咦?61382A制得喎過!
Just list down the possible responses that might come from your audience and select the most approprioate one(s) for your development.

In order to make sure your T.A. will response to the selected possible response, you need to draw their ATTENTION, right. That's right, A is for Attention. Before that, you need to understand who they are and WHAT are in their minds. So list down from your previous insights and analysis What they might think about the product. In 61382A's case, they might be: HD 唔係好正, D tutors 好吞pop, 冇保証, 好hea... Again, just list them down, probably they are slightly negative comments otherwise there is either no or a different need to do the advertising.

Then you ask yourself "Why should they bother (to response to your ad)?"
When you ask this question, you should answer the positioning of your product first. Remember the rule of Positioning? Because if you have positioned your product correctly to fill the gap in the market, you have addressed the questions in your T.A.'s minds, meaning you have done half the job. Because what you will offer is what they need.
So again, in 61382A's case, the positioning should include these offerings: (you may use this structure for setting the positioning of your product: "61382A 係...") 好正, D tutors 唔吞pop, 包有嘢做(学), 好好玩, 扺讀...

The positioning will help you to create the STORY of your product. Here we come to "I". I is for Interest. This is the most important part cause if your T.A. are not interested in what you are saying, they will run away, not to mention response. So this is where you make your ideas and big ideas come to life. All the creative thinking happen here. I stress the word "Story" because we are all story tellers. We can create stories based on experiences, emotions, people, place, time, behaviours, environment, etc. Remember the story of Apple (1984)? Story of Volkswagen (Funeral)? You see what I mean?

Now you know why AIR is what we need in advertising!

Time to show me how interesting your ideas will be. I'd expect many many creative thinking and ideas sketches from now till Easter.

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