Sunday 19 April 2009

Unexpected performance

Watch this guerrilla advertising by and think about how the AIR. time to rethink about your ad strategy and ideas.


nounzz said...

so funny~
it make me associate it with "Mamma Mia!"
singing suddenly around the people

of course it can get the attention
as they make a big noise in a quiet place
moreover, they would never consider the police singing with them in a public place
what a surprise it is~~

it was surprised to the audience
the most interest point is the performers hide in the crowd
going out with good layout suddenly

it must give them a hard impression
as it happen nearby
we can know the response from emotional expression of audience directly

by the way
i discover that the target audience may be a little bit narrow
only people who around them can see it
few immediate response can get

some people think it is a annoying noise in HK
somebody feel a strong antipathy towards 好戲量
however it seems not a problem in foreign country

DDTse said...

The ''文化藝術消費人口'' in EU is the highest among the world, with nearly 18% in UK and nearly 30% in Germany, which is the highest in the world. 文化藝術消費人口 means the ratio of population who would usually spend $ in the theater and watching opera or buying music CD or DVD, ETC...

Other than insight we gain in the campaign we watch here, I would also like to rise the fact that local people don't give a shit about that and would consider that is noise just like what Nounzz said. So again, it depends on the context whether the ideas work.

The campaign with no doubt, all A,I,R is obvious and well executed. But what if our TA are not the EU audiences? What R would we get if that happens in HK? People may protest or complaint... pity! Perhaps that is why HK ads usually being the copycat, not the initiator.

Thomas Kan said...

You (two) are stars! Thanks for your comments.
Of course we have to consider the cultural difference and the creativity should fit in with the context. It's the innovative approach that's hit me. I suspect we can run a guerrilla ad as striking if we saw someone beating someone on the street and yelling and shouting dirty words making a mess and finally caught up by the police and there is a sign saying something about an insurance company and that you should protect yourself?