Monday 27 April 2009

Notes to my tutorial group

You really need to work full speed from now. Talking about day and night non-stop for ultimate output to finish all your executions in different media. No kidding!

Don't locked up by the idea whether it's about taste or about 150 flavours, it's useless if you cannot push it further, with copywriting in particular, or with a convincing and appealing visual. I hate to say this but I think you have not pushed it strongly. Forget about the palette. It's just boring. Don't be too rational, because you can't 'calculate' idea. Creativity needs a push with intuition, wild thought and risk taking. Try something else. Think oppositive, ask what if questions.

Chinese chess
Concentrate on your big idea please - reminding people in every aspect of their daily lives. Be brave and explore any possible execution along this line.

Books can be useful. How useful? When useful? Where useful? Useful for who? Useful for what?

our big idea is 'see what we can do with 'snack'. Then show us what you can do with it!

HK night parade
looking good. Please refine and modify as discussed. Need add more CNY and local features, brighter colors, chinese chracters, shop signs, calligraphy, etc...

Step away and think different. The 'reverse' idea is just a quick thought by intuition. You don't need to follow if it has no spark on you. Try starting off with a different media to see what you'll be up to. Never say no (idea)!

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