Sunday 12 April 2009

Absolut project

Currently done a project presentation about one of my favorite campaign '' Absolut _____ ''

So I just did the simple '' Ansolut Project '' as my cover of my RVJ for this project.

I love this campaign because it is really changeable and sustainable, you can just apply whatever thing after Absolut, it is great fun.

I would like to hear out some comments or more ideas on how to make an absolut project cover. Because I will need to do one more for another RVJ. Thanks for anyone's help here =]


Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!

Thomas Kan said...

You've picked a good subject for your project.
Look for keywords that summarize your project and then create the parody - Absolut DD?

DDTse said...

lol!! Absolut me? well... it is rather difficult to advertise once own. haha. Thanks=]

Thomas Kan said...

Just kidding. May be Absolut Achievement, Absolut Satisfaction, Absolut Fun...Absolut "Anything" (is possible), cause "Nothing" is impossible! ;)