Friday, 19 June 2009

Comercial - Spa Barisart - Bar Fight

The law of exaggeration.


Eddie Lau said...

Extremely literal interpretation of the message as the big idea, it proofs creative direction should be sharp and obvious enough to differentiate itself from the others. Underwater shooting is always eye catching because of unconventional way of seeing. The plot is not important in this case but the execution is really an idea that grab audience's attention and recall the selling proposition.

mike said...

It is no deny that is a great tvc. 個big idea同execution配合得天衣無縫。我覺得the law of exaggeration,一定要配合一個好穩的big idea同埋要好清楚,唔係只係掛住去誇張,就係令人覺得不著邊際,甚至失實。