Saturday, 28 February 2009

Ad-Rule No.2 - The rule of Positioning

Every advertising and marketing student should hear about positioning.  So you should know about it right?  If you are not sure about its meaning, check it here.  But please bear in mind, "positioning is something that happens in the minds of the target market".

The Rule of Positioning tells us that advertising is not communication, advertising is positioning.  Good advertising tells little about the product or service, it establishes or reinforces a position in the minds of the target audience.  However, positioning is not about "where" you want to put or "position" your product.
E.g. "We want to position our brand as the premier product in the category." - Incorrect positioning statement.

Positioning is about finding the possibility or the "Open Hole" that might exist in the minds of the target audience or market.
E.g. "There is an open hole in the mind of the target audience for a premium product in the category.  That is the position we want our brand to fill." - Correct positioning statement. 

Can you notice the difference now?  Yes, the key thing in positioning is "to fill the open hole in the T.A.'s mind".

So what could be the Open Hole in the mind?
Here are some examples:
1. The "Price" hole.  e.g. for High-price positioning: Haagen-Daz in ice-cream; Rolex in Watch; Mercedes-Benz in automobiles.
2. The "Country of origin" hole. e.g. Heineken (first Holland beer in beer-drinker' mind).
3. The "First in the mind" hole. e.g. Sony Walkman (first on-the-go Hi-Fi); Gatorade (first sport drink);  Red Bull (first energy drink); Apple (first user-friendly PC).
4. The "No.2 brand" hole.  But it doesn't mean to fill the hole of "the other best" or "the other leader", because there is only one best, one leader in the market.  Then how do you become a strong No.2 brand?  Well, you got to become the opposite of the leader.  
e.g. Coca-Cola is the old, established leader brand (that your parents drank), so Pepsi-Cola, filling the No.2 brand hole, said, "You don't want to drank the same as your parents did, you are the Pepsi Generation".  Window (an OS that you need to buy), so Linux (an open source OS for free).  Think about Large/Small; Men/Women; Black/White...
5. The "Specialist" hole.  e.g. Starbucks (specialized in coffee); McDonald (specialized in hamburgers); Volvo (safety); BMW (driving).
6. The "Gender brand" hole.  e.g. Marlboro (first cigarette for men); virginia Slims (first cigarette for women).

Add your comment to the rule please.

some interesting MVs

Rcently, I found these interesting vedios.

How about your feelings for these MV, could you post your favorite MV for us?

Friday, 27 February 2009


Info Seminar of HKDI cultural trip
Date: Monday, 2 March, 2009
Time: 4:30pm
Venue: Room 043

1) Introduction to HKDI cultural trip
2) Briefing and promotion session of ShanDong, Guangdong & Guizhou trip
3) Beijing trip student sharing session in the seminar.

For details, please contact your CS tutor or Ting at 27279453.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Ad-Rule No.1 -The rule of Simplicity

Does anyone know how much information are we receiving everyday?  Well I don't have a definite answer, but I can tell you it will be measured in exabytes (an exabyte = 1 million terabytes, a terabyte = 1 million megabytes), so it will be many many.

Imagine you are standing in the middle of a busy road, with all sorts of sounds made by people, cars, machines, construction sites, and badly, heaving rain.  My question is, "Can you get yourself noticed by just shouting loudly in all sorts of different tunes?" - people might just mix them up with other noises!

Advertising is about communication.  If your audience does not notice and clearly understand your ad, then you have failed.  We are living in an over-information age, meaning the more information you put into your ad, the less people will get it.  

The Rule of Simplicity tells us not to "Add" (although it is called an "Ad"), but to "Subtract".  The most effective way to communicate a message effecively is to "Subtract" secondary or unnecessary information.

Great ad messages are simple: Just do it (Nike); Yes we can (Obama); Impossible is Nothing (Adidas).

- It's not easy to be simple. Van Gogh said, "How difficult it is to be simple!"
- It is much easier to be complex than to be simple. How many times you have to make your type bigger and more colorful and more fancy so that you think people will be attracted by it?  Or do you think that by adding more text and making them bigger, it will make your presentation board look better so that your design work will also look better?
- Being simple is achieving your objective with minimum resources.
- The result of advertising is not measured by what is said, but by what people understand.
- You have to answer these questions in your creative process of any ad: 
1. "What am I going to say about this product?" and
2."Is what I am going to say, truly going to motivate my audience?"
3. "Can I trim down the non-essentials and make it simple?" 

Don't forget to write your comments if you want to know more!

An Ad Rule a day

Do you want to know the universal rules behind successful ads? I shall start a series called "An Ad Rule a Day" to introduce an advertising rule taken from the ad gurus in the world.  I shall post an advertising rule everyday for your reading and to provoke your thinking.  But I need all of you to response to it in order to keep me going.  So if you want to learn more, you should write something about the rule on that day.  Anything will do, my objective is to help you learn and think critically.  Watch out!


Date: 3 Mar 09 Tuesday
Time: 1:30pm
Venue: Room 026

分3大主題一天內舉行 (每主題約1小時 附答問環節)
專題一: 商業廣告插畫實戰應用 By Fei Wong
專題二: 書/繪本/雜誌插畫實戰應用 By KY Chan
專題三: 插畫伸展角色品牌營運及建立 By Kenny Wong

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

John Lasseter的「七大創意原則

PIXAR 皮克斯大佬John Lasseter的「七大創意原則」!

最近皮克斯大佬,動畫界傳奇John Lasseter在接受一家德國媒體《南方德國報》採訪時暢談了他所謂堅持的「七大創意原則」,他表示這七大原則是他實現其動畫電影創作目標的根源所在。 2月號的業界知名雜誌《動畫》(Animation Magzine)刊登了這「七大創意原則」的英文版本,小編拜讀後激動不已,為大家獻上自己翻譯的中文版,個人水平有限,疏漏之處敬請原諒,或許就是這「七大創意原則」使得20多年前不起眼的皮克斯有了今天的巨大成功。

關於John Lasseter:皮克斯創始人之一。《玩具總動員》《蟲蟲危機》《玩具總動員2》《汽車總動員》和多部皮克斯動畫短片的導演,皮克斯所有作品的監製。 2006年迪士尼收購皮克斯後被任命為迪士尼動畫部首席創意官,迪士尼樂園首席幻想工程師,同時保留皮克斯動畫工作室裡的職務,2009年威尼斯電影節決定授予John Lasseter終身成就獎已表彰他對動畫界做出的貢獻。多家媒體甚至稱John Lasseter是動畫界今日的華特迪士尼。

















Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Personality Dimension Workshop for 61382A/2B

SAO has asked me to inform group 2B students of their programme on March 20, details as follow:

Class: 61382A/2B
Date: 20 March 09 (Fri)
Time: 14:30-18:30
Venue: Rm 431
Topic: Personality Dimension Workshop
Tutor: Kennis

Droga 5

"Droga 5, opened in 2006, inspired by the idea that it was time for agencies to do something different. The agency believes in creative ideas that live beyond media budgets, and approached UNICEF with the Tap Project in 2007 to raise awareness of the global water crisis and donations for UNICEF's water programs. Droga5 is the proud international agency for the Tap Project." - Droga 5

Simple act can make a difference

"In 2007, the Tap Project was born in New York City based on a simple concept: restaurants would ask their patrons to donate $1 or more for the tap water they usually enjoy for free, and all funds raised would support UNICEF’s efforts to bring clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world. " - Tap Project

Any insight for your final project?
Everyone please post a comment to tell us what do you think is the USP of this Tap Project!

Affecting change with simple act

"Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with 2.2 million homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Only a year later and this event had become a global sustainability movement with up to 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour." - Earth Hour

An opportunity for your final project? Why not?

Monday, 23 February 2009

What is the most interesting element(s) in a picture?

Picture means a piece of photography, photograph, still image, single shot, digital photo, etc.
Please post your views here.

Week 3: NFP - Presentation of Creative Brief

Presentation session of Creative Brief for Thomas' group as follow:

Date: Wednesday, Feb 25, 2009
Time: 9:30 pm
Venue: Room 144A

- You are expected to present your creative brief with Powerpoint which takes us through the process of your development, research, client contact, insights, etc.
- Each group will have 10 minutes to present and 10 minutes for feedback.
(please do a rehersal to make sure you can deliver your presentation on time).
- Submit 1 copy of your Creative Brief, Milestone and Weekly Plan after the presentation.
- You might include a thumbnail copy of your powerpoint notes if possible.

Download your transcript on Mar 4, 2009

Starting from AY2008/09, all student are required to download the Transcript of Study from SWS by themselves. You must activate your CNA accounts in order to login the SWS and download the transcript. Some of you might not have activated your CNA accounts. So please activate your CNA accounts immediately.

A demo video of activating the CNA Account is now displayed in the welcome page of SWS (

Transcript of Study for Sem 1 will be available for download at SWS on 4 Mar 2009 (Wed) at 10:00am.
There will be no hardcopy. Please activate your CNA account if you haven't done so. With the same login name and password as with your WebCT, Webmail and SWS system.

Pecha Kucha Night Hong Kong on Feb 25 2009

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Please act, write something here!

Can anyone tell me how many manufactured objects (機製物品)did you touch this morning, between waking up and leaving your house?

Please post your answer with the "comments" button. 

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Seen and Noted 01

Artist books by Katsumi Komagata.

London View created by Radiohead collaborator Stanley Donwood for Thom Yorke's first solo record.

Books/Albums/Packaging/Identity by Farrow Design.

For the passionate lovers of both music and art.

Visual archive of Design/Photography/Art/T-shirts/Books/Music/Film/Events.