Monday, 6 July 2009

The PEN Story


Thomas Kan said...

Thank U Augusta for this wonderful animation. It really is fantastic, isn't it? I was once an animator, that's why I know how many work and effort have been put in to make this piece work. The use of photographs combining the stop motion technique is amazing. Let's do more sharing and talking...

DDTse said...

I have never been an animator, but just imagine all the hard work and time paid in that animation already drive me crazy...

By the way, I never know the combination of stop motion and snap shot can be so cooooooool. That motivate me to pick up my stupid camera!!!

Thomas Kan said...

Yes, you should try. Stop motion is in fact the basic technique in animation. The principle is simply based on the persistence of image - the magic mechanism to retain images we saw on our retina for a fraction of a second so that we can see things move. Animation (and movie) is made with this simple magic. It's interesting, do some experiment and you will know how it works.

Eddie Lau said...

For this case, the trick is "how to take continuous snapshots is such smooth sequence?". Probably make use of the continuous shooting function or simply capture from a movie.

Deli_M.yan said...

eddie i got this camera and i dont think it got the continuous shooting function @@"(cox i cant find such fuction in my cam) its was so amazing!!

it was a half-framed camera which means 72 potos only in one roll of film...

i check the one who created it it said :

"This is the PEN Story in stop motion. We shot 60.000 pictures, developed 9.600 prints and shot over 1.800 pictures again. No post production! "
