Sunday, 8 March 2009

Ad-Rule No.7 - The rule of Experience

Well, since I got some responses to my previous question leading to this Ad-Rule, I'm going to tell you what it is.  For those who haven't posted their answers, just calculate yourself how many "yes" and how many "No" in your answers. If you can answer "yes" to half of the question, congratulations! Because you will know what I'm going to say today. If you have more "No" than "Yes", then you should pay attention, because likely you are not going to create good advertising :)

The rule of Experience tells us that only with actual experience can we create something unique and original. To help you understand the importance of experience to advertising, please follow this rationale: what makes a person unique is the personal way of seeing things of that person. The way of seeing things is a reflection of all the experiences that had happened to that person. So if your experience is boring, you would end up a boring person. Similarly, if you cannot offer good experience in your ad, it will end up being a boring ad.

If you think your way of seeing is not interesting enough, or your experience is not that special to catch attention, try mix it up with others' experiences. It is always better to mix things up in advertising. Mix up experiences from people of different background, different culture, different career, different sex, different race, different age, and if it is honest and unique, it will work. Now you know why you are encouraged to pair up with others to do project.

So I suggest you to get a real experience everyday, every week and every month (or when ever you could), so that you can get many different ways of seeing things.
Go wild camping in a cold winter; sleep on a truck; live in Beijing, go experience something new elsewhere, and you will have many stories to tell.
Diet Coke - Swimming Elephant
Nike - What are you getting ready for?


cheung yuen FUNG said...

it is difficult to get a special experience everyday. Can we read more story books instead?

Thomas Kan said...

The main idea is to get a first hand experience, because it's real to you and is most valuable.

briankong said...

SO SO SO valuable.

Terence said...

4Yes..... I'm a boring person.